Sunday, August 06, 2006

Remembering the Good Old Days

It was about this time of year in 2001 when George II was shown the PDB, with the title “Osama Bin Laden determined to attack in U.S.” He was probably sleeping (or on vacation).

Or most likely, he was hard at work planning to attack Iraq for the oil and to make his daddy proud.

Remember Iraq, before the occupation? Before the elections, before the Constitution was approved, back when Saddam ruled with an iron fist? Remember back then?

Iraq then was a threat to no one. And far few people died violently there than did, say, in Dufar.

Then the U.S. went to war, based on lies to Congress and the American people, and made a bad thing terrible. So much more terrible that we have not only lost more than 2500 of your own family members, but more than 100,000 innocent civilians. Then there’s the loss of U.S. esteem in the world.

And what did we get? Cheney’s company got richer. Bush keeps his Saudi ‘family’ happy. And the average U.S. citizen is fucked.

It's time to get rid of Cheney and his lackys, all of them, in any way possible. (Of course I mean the via elections, what else would I mean?)


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